SBDL (pronounced ‘speedle’) captures the essence of
system composition and behaviour in a simple yet powerful
domain-specific language, allowing that essence to be placed close to
where it matters. [HTML] [PDF]
1.11.0 (SBDL Compiler), 25.2 (SBDL Language) [#b567055]
Interested in a short introduction to SBDL? Have a look at this high-level overview presentation.
SBDL models system behaviour as a set of related, typed elements, where each element describes a particular facet of system design and the specified relationships between those elements constitute overall system behaviour.
sbdl_purpose is requirement { description is "Let's make defining system models quick and easy" }
The ‘System Behaviour Description Language’ (SBDL) is a Domain-Specific Language designed for the terse and locally-expressed attribution of system behaviour by way of minimalist Domain-Specific Model. More elaborately put: SBDL allows for the engineer to define key behavioural properties of a system, the relationship between then, and to place those properties close to where their definition is realised. To this end, SBDL is intended to annotate existing design and development materials; this is in contrast to the creation of separate (and often unrepresentative) design materials.
Typical usecases for SBDL include:
In the near future:
The SBDL Compiler allows the engineer to extract and verify the aforementioned behavioural model, and also generate various different output materials, including:
Using the SBDL compiler, behavioural annotations can be placed in almost any form of design material where textual-input is allowed, including: source code, markdown, word processor documents, issue management systems, and so on. Such embedded definitions can also be coupled with syntactic artefacts of the containing language or material.
In addition, the compiler is extensible, such that users may make programmatic use of SBDL definitions in their own applications.
Looking for a syntax introduction? Or perhaps a reference of the Metamodel?
To get started with SBDL, you’ll need at least the SBDL compiler and its dependencies. It’s also useful to fetch and build the example project; both to familiarise yourself with the expressive form of SBDL, and also to check that your environment is working correctly.
The SBDL compiler is a Python project, and therefore requires that Python is installed*. The SBDL compiler itself is cross-platform (Linux, Windows …).
The SBDL compiler itself can be installed using PIP:
python -m pip install
This will install the development version of SBDL and its dependencies.
You can then execute the SBDL compiler as follows:
python -m sbdl -h
The ‘-h’ switch above displays the help output.
If the PIP installation location is in your path (as is the case by default on Linux) then calling the SBDL compiler can be further abbreviated to simply:
sbdl -h
Currently the standalone build is available for Linux (x86-64) only.
In case you’d like to simply fetch and use SBDL as a standalone executable and not as a python project, there is a self-contained build of the compiler available. This includes all necessary Python dependencies in a single file.
Linux (x86-64)
wget -O sbdl
chmod ugo+x sbdl
./sbdl -h
Several of the output (UML) models use PlantUML for rendering and therefore require that it is installed and available in the path. PlantUML can be installed manually from the source or, as in most Linux installations, from a package manager.
In Debian/Ubuntu, for example:
sudo apt install plantuml
The SBDL example is a synthetic project contrived to demonstrate the basics of the SBDL language and its application within a build structure. It resides in its own repository: you can view the repository and its README here.
To build the SBDL example you will need at least the SBDL compiler and CMake. In order to build the optional (but recommended) parts of the example, you will also need PlantUML and a C++ compiler.
The basic steps to build the example are as follows:
git clone ''
cd sbdl-example
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
After the build completes, there are a set of output files available in the ‘build’ directory (including: a generate document, model images, traceability matrices, OpenFMEA file …).
Step-by-step demonstration of SBDL installation and example testing.
A Visual Studio Code Extension is available that provides syntax highlighting and GUI integration of compiler functions.
Download and install the SBDL Visual Studio Code Extension.
After installation, syntax highlighting is available immediately.
Right clicking in the explorer panel exposes the available compiler shortcuts.
Depending on the host system, it may be necessary to customize the extension configuration. The configuration can be found in: File->Preferences->Settings->Extensions->SBDL
Configuration options
Compiler_command: Command to invoke SBDL. This can be as simple as ‘sbdl’, ‘python -m sbdl’ or, if there are multiple python versions installed, ‘py -XX.YY -m sbdl’.
Plantuml_command: Command to invoke PlantUML (external tool). This might be simply ‘plantuml’ or ‘java -jar /path/to/jar’.
The SBDL language is terse, simple and easy for humans to read. It is intended to be written directly but is also amenable to automation as a target of other tools.
The SBDL metamodel represents a system as a set of elements. Elements have an identifier, type, properties, and may be related to one another. In this sense, the metamodel can be formally described as a coloured graph, or network.
Each system element has a particular type (e.g. aspect, requirement, definition, interface, usecase …) and represents some facet of the system’s behaviour. Detailed information about types can be composed into a system can be found in the Metamodel Reference.
Each element may be related to other elements of the system in a typed way (not all elements may be related to one another – only those relations which have a defined meaning).
Each element also has one or more properties, which define a characteristic of the given element. The most basic property, available on all elements, is the textual description property; but different elements have various properties which may be attached to them, depending on the element’s type.
All elements defined in SBDL are also implicitly spatially sensitive: their locality of definition is an automatic property of the element, anchoring the element’s definition to the material location and its position within it.
The composition of all elements together constitutes the overall system behaviour description.
SBDL can capture hierarchical structuring, and relate the properties of the system to that structure. This includes: static properties, dynamic behaviour, stateful behaviour, test definitions, and failure modes, along with the more typical requirements and usecases.
SBDL elements can be defined together in one place, like a conventional language source file, but the intention (and power) of SBDL comes from the ability to embed individual SBDL element definitions close the materials to which they are most relevant. For example, requirements may be defined alongside where they are documented, while a software architecture decomposition may be defined (and distributed throughout) the source code. This distributed definition is the power behind the aforementioned implicit spatial locality of reference: where each element definition is coupled with the location of material to which it is most closely related.
(with examples)
The syntax of SBDL is designed to be straight-forward. SBDL content consists of a series of statements; the most common of which is an element definition. An element definition specifies a named model element of a specific model type, along with its properties and relations.
The general form of an SBDL definition is as follows:
sbdl_id is sbdl_type {
description is "something";
some_other_property is a,b,c;
Where sbdl_id is the name of the model element, sbdl_type is the type of the model element, and the entries between the curly-braces define the properties and relations of that element (the semi-colon can be used as an optional separator). Statements are intended to be expressed on a single line but may be broken over several lines.
Consider the more concrete example below:
rocket_system is aspect { description is "Rocket Launch System" }
rocket_booster is aspect { description is "Booster Sub-System"; parent is rocket_system }
rocket_steering is aspect { description is "Steering Sub-System"; parent is rocket_system; related is rocket_booster }
The above definition set describes a structural decomposition using the ‘aspect’ type. In this case, a ‘Rocket Launch System’ system is described along with two sub-systems: ‘Booster’ and ‘Steering’. The sub-systems are related to the parent via the ‘parent’ relation; conversely, they could also have been related from the parent’s perspective, using the ‘child’ relation. In addition, the rocket steering sub-system is adjacently related to the rocket_booster system.
This simple model can be extended with some affiliated requirements:
system_requirement_1 is requirement { description is "The rocket shall launch..."; aspect is rocket_system}
booster_requirement_1 is requirement { description is "The rocket boster shall fire ..."; aspect is rocket_booster; parent is system_requirement_1}
steering_requirement_1 is requirement { description is "The rocket shall be steerable ..."; aspect is rocket_steering; parent is system_requirement_1}
Three named requirements are defined and associated with different decompositional aspects by the ‘aspect’ type relation.
The same structure can then be extended with, for example, a dynamic function:
launch_protocol is function { description is "Launch Sequence"; aspect is rocket_system; event is fire_booster,correct_course}
fire_booster is event { description is "Fire boosters"; aspect is rocket_booster }
correct_course is event { description is "Correct course trajectory"; aspect is rocket_steering }
The above defines a single function consisting of two events. Notably, the containing function definition exploits the ordered nature of property definition lists (in this case to order to events).
And, finally, the defitions can be augmented with state information:
using { aspect is rocket_system }
rocket_launch is transition { description is "Rocket Launch" state is rocket_ready,rocket_in_motion event is fire_booster }
rocket_ready is state { description is "Rocket ready for launch" }
rocket_in_motion is state { description is "Rocket is in motion" }
Notice that the ‘rocket_launch’ transition uses the previously defined ‘fire_booster’ as the causal event of the transition. The use of the ‘using’ statement affiliates all subsequent statements with the rocket_system aspect.
Elements and their relations may be extended with stereotypes. Stereotypes add additional typing constraints and information.
Stereotypes are expressed by extending identifiers using a caret symbol (‘^’).
The third line of the aspect definition example can be extended in this way:
rocket_steering is aspect { description is "Steering Sub-System"; parent is rocket_system; related is rocket_booster^controls }
Above, the relation to the rocket_booster sub-system is stereotyped to show that the rocket_steering sub-system controls the rocket_booster (^controls). Useful stereotypes for relations between aspects include ‘inherit’ and ‘compose’, which will also be rendered canonically in a compiled aspect diagram.
An element definition itself can also be stereotyped. Consider the definition of a new aspect, particular to software:
steering_firmware^software is aspect { description is "Steering control software"; parent is rocket_steering }
A new structural aspect is defined above (‘steering_firmware’) which is part of the rocket_steering subsystem and, importantly, is stereotyped as software (‘^software’).
Using the SBDL compiler, the above SBDL statements can be aggregated from distributed sources and verified for correctness. Several different model output views are available; a selection of which are shown below.
Many additional views are available, and the expressive power of the views show can also be extended with additional information. To see a more extensive treatment of the SBDL language, be sure to explore the fuller SBDL example project.
It is possible to create specialised type variants of the SBDL base types (described by the metamodel). These specialised variants can be created using the ‘customtype’ keyword, extending the semantics of the base type. A newly defined custom type can then be used in place of a base type name with the usual syntax.
Custom types can (re)define:
Custom types can therefore be used to realise an equivalent of Profiles in UML/SysML.
Consider the following example:
customtype FunctionalElement is aspect {
relation_type is requirement;
required_property is UID;
optional_property is Rationale;
some_default_property is "Default text here";
new_functional_element is FunctionalElement { requirement is System_Requirement1; UID is "XXXX:YYYY" }
The statements above creates a new type called ‘FunctionalElement’ which is used to define an element ‘new_functional_element’ that:
When elements have a hierarchical relationship (parent/child) they may be expressed by nesting their associated statements. The nesting of statements creates an implicit parenting relation from the nested element to its containing element.
The previous example snippet describing the aspect elements of the rocket system could be alternatively expressed as follows:
rocket_system is aspect {
description is "Rocket Launch System"
rocket_booster is aspect { description is "Booster Sub-System" }
rocket_steering is aspect { description is "Steering Sub-System" related is rocket_booster }
Notice how the explicit referencing of parents is no longer required. Element nesting does not alter the scope of element identifiers.
A common necessity is establishing a relationship between two adjacent input elements; for example:
element_a is aspect { description is "Example element a" }
element_b is requirement { description is "Example requirement 1"; aspect is element_a }
element_c is requirement { description is "Example requirement 2"; aspect is element_a }
Above, the two requirements are explicitly related to element a.
The relation operators ‘||’ and ‘~|’ provide a ‘syntactic sugar’ for achieving this with greater brevity than explicitly specifying the named relations.
The ‘||’ operating implies a relation between two adjacent elements in the input. In the case of a chain of such relations, the ‘~|’ operating implies a relation between the current input element and source of the relation chain.
The example above could therefore be re-written as:
element_a is aspect { description is "Example element a" }
element_b is requirement { description is "Example requirement 1" }
element_c is requirement { description is "Example requirement 2" }
Notice that the aspect relations are no longer explicitly specified in the requirement elements because they are now implied by the subsequent relation operators.
Often, two distantly defined elements have a critical relation. For example:
File A
some_requirement is requirement { description is "Some critical definition" }
File B
some_aspect is aspect {
description is "Highly dependent on the requirement"
requirement is some_requirement
It is possible that the content of elements in ‘File A’ may change independently of those in ‘File B’, without any element identifiers being modified or removed. This would mean that, despite the content potentially changing radically, compilation and first-order relation verificatin would not fail.
If such a relation has a strong semantic binding to the content of a definition, and compilation failure upon a change would be desirable, a relation reference may be augmented with a hash value:
File B
some_aspect is aspect {
description is "Highly dependent on the requirement"
requirement is some_requirement~41575
Above, the ‘some_requirement’ relation has been extended with an SBDL element hash reference, using the ‘~’ relation operator. When ‘some_requirement’ is modified without a coordinated change to its relation reference in ‘some_aspect’, compilation will fail.
Element hash values can be retrieved using the ‘query’ mode of the SBDL compiler or by simply entering an arbutrary hash value in the relation reference and extracting the correct hash value from the subsequent compilation error message.
SBDL definitions may be expressed together in an SBDL-native file or they may be embedded as annotations within another file. Such other files might include design descriptions, documents, source code etc.
Embedding SBDL in another file-type is as simple as prefixing the line with the SBDL directive indicator: “@sbdl”.
For example, an additional event in the launch_protocol function could be defined in a (C++) source file as follows:
CourseStatus SteeringFirmware::correctCourse ( ... )
// Correct the course based on the firmware algorithm output ...
// @sbdl update_course is event { description is "Correct course"; aspect is steering_firmware }
The SBDL compiler will extract such SBDL statements and include them in the compilation context.
If syntactically permitted by the containing language, it is possible to create SBDL ‘blocks’ – multiple lines of SBDL – embedded within the containing language, for example:
test_elem is aspect { description is "..." }
another_elem is requirement { description is "..." }
This allows for the expression of multiple SBDL statements without the requirement that each line be prefixed with ‘@sbdl’.
The restriction is, however, that every line in the block must be valid SBDL. This means the application of embedded blocks is mostly useful for embedding within textual formats, such as Markdown and similar.
In addition to the core syntax of SBDL exists the concept of directives. A directive specifies some additional specific behaviour (performed by the compiler), often returning content to the regular syntax.
Compiler directives are specified using square brackets and the at-symbol:
A list of available compiler directives can be found here.
Directives also allow for cross-referencing: referring to the properties of other named elements in SBDL. For example:
some_requirement is requirement { description is "Defines and controls [@some_other_elem_id:description]" }
The above example will include, in the description of ‘some_requirement’ the description of the other named element. This works for all properties of all elements.
Directives permit the coupling of SBDL definitions to artifacts of the containing environment/language. In the case of the example definition embedded into a C++ file, the coupling might be as follows:
CourseStatus SteeringFirmware::correctCourse ( ... )
// Correct the course based on the firmware algorithm output ...
// @sbdl [@CFUNC] is event { description is "[@-LINE]" }
With these modifications, the embedded definition is refactored to the use the containing function name as the SBDL identifier ([@CFUNC]) and will take the previous line as the description ([@-LINE]).
After defining this new event, it should be added to the appropriate position in the launch_protocol function. This can either be done explicitly in the function itself or by using event-tree, where an event also entails its child events:
correct_course is event { description is "Correct course trajectory"; aspect is rocket_steering; child is SteeringFirmware::correctCourse}
Work In Progress – custom rules and the Prolog extension are experimental and under active development. The final syntax for accessing the Prolog subsystem may be slightly different in later releases, but the rule syntax itself will not change.
It is useful to be able to specify custom rules in addition to those provided by the base metamodel of the language. Such rules might include naming conventions, relation permissions (potentially over indirect relations), additional type property constraints, and so on.
Such additional rules can be specified through the Prolog extension of SBDL.
During compilation of a set of SBDL files, the resulting elements are exposed to a Prolog environment as a set of facts. Assertions can then be made, using the SBDL Prolog directives, to query these facts.
Combining these custom rules with custom types provides a powerful and adaptable type specification system.
Facts about elements are automatically exposed to Prolog with a uniform argument cardinality. For reference, these take the Prolog form:
type_name(identifier('identifier'), stereotype('stereotype'), properties([description('description'), reference('...')]), relations([relation(type('...'), identifier('...'), stereotype('...'))]), parents([...]), children([...]), related([...])).
Consider the following SBDL statement:
base_element is aspect {
description is "base aspect"
child_element is aspect { description is "child aspect" }
test_requirement is requirement { aspect is child_element; description is "Test Requirement" }
In the Prolog environment, this is exposed as the following facts:
aspect(identifier('base_element'), stereotype('None'), properties([description('base aspect'), reference('test/test_prolog.sbdl4')]), relations([]), parents([]), children([]), related([])).
aspect(identifier('child_element'), stereotype('None'), properties([description('child aspect'), reference('test/test_prolog.sbdl6')]), relations([]), parents([relation(type('parent'), identifier('base_element'), stereotype('None'))]), children([]), related([])).
requirement(identifier('test_requirement'), stereotype('None'), properties([description('Test Requirement'), reference('test/test_prolog.sbdl8')]), relations([relation(type('aspect'), identifier('child_element'), stereotype('None'))]), parents([]), children([]), related([])).
All parsed model elements will be automatically available in the Prolog environment as facts of this form and may subsequently be queried. It is not necessary to write the Prolog facts oneself.
There are several compiler directives provided for interaction with Prolog, and the exposed element facts, primarily: ‘PL_START’,‘PL_ASSERT’,‘PL_ASSERT!’, and ‘PL_COMMAND’. These directives are detailed in the compiler directives section.
In the example SBDL snippet, it could, for example be asserted that an element with a particular identifier must exist.
Asserting such a query in Prolog, using the fact structure described previously, would look like:
This can then be expressed in SBDL (by extending the SBDL snippet) as follows:
[@PL_START] # make the Prolog environment available (needed once anywhere in the input)
[@PL_ASSERT:TestAspectExists, aspect( identifier(child_element), _, _, _, _, _, _)] # assert the truth of a Prolog query
The ‘PL_ASSERT’ directive is called with two arguments: the descriptive name of the assertion and the Prolog query itself.
When an element with an identifier ‘child_element’ does not exist, the SBDL will fail to compile, citing the name of the failing assertion.
Of course, much more complex rules can be expressed in Prolog, but this is beyond the scope of this documentation. Have a look at this online introduction to Prolog as a starting point.
Relations between elements can, in most cases, be defined in either direction (or both!) and have the same effect:
some_aspect is aspect { ... }
some_requirement is requirement { ... aspect is some_aspect }
Is equivalent to:
some_aspect is aspect { ... requirement is some_requirement }
some_requirement is requirement { ... }
Is also equivalent to:
some_aspect is aspect { ... requirement is some_requirement }
some_requirement is requirement { ... aspect is some_aspect }
All statement defined in SBDL automatically acquire the ‘reference’ property when compiled. The reference property indicates the location of definition in terms of file-path and line number. The reference property is useful in understanding where
SBDL statements embedded within a parent file of a different format/language must always be prefixed with the SBDL statement indicator:
@sbdl some_id is some_type { ... }
SBDL statements contained within an SBDL-native file (a file containing only SBDL statements) do not need to be prefixed with the SBDL statement indicator. Instead, the file itself must begin with the SBDL file indicator:
some_id is some_type { ... }
diff_id is some_type { ... }
SBDL statements can be broken across multiple lines in SBDL-native files. SBDL-nativefiles are essentially free-form with regards to whitespace and line breaks.
When SBDL is embedded inside another language file or format (embedded syntax), statements must be explicitly broken across multiple lines, using the line continuation symbol: backslash (\).
@sbdl example_definition is requirement { \
description is "On a new line" \
Unguarded property names are only permitted when they are valid for the element type being defined. Custom properties may, however, be specified ac hoc by using the custom-property-prefix (‘custom:’) on a per element basis.
example_definition is requirement { description is "Something"; custom:my_property is "Some content" }
A formal version of the SBDL syntax is captured as an EBNF, or ‘Railroad’, diagram.
The type graph below illustrates the available definition types, their properties, and, by an edge between two types, the valid relations which may be specified between them. Each type (its relations and properties) is also elaborated upon in its own sub-section.
Simplified Metamodel View
(click for larger size)
The follow subsections describe the available definition types, their meaning, and their properties.
Each element type is intended for relations with entities of affiliated types: for example, all elements may relate to an aspect, and failure modes may relate to a requirement, and so on. Together, these relations constitute a typed graph which describes the system structure and behaviour. This typed graph of definitions and relations can be used to generate many of output formats provided by the SBDL compiler.
Architectural elements are used for specifying system decomposition. Such decompositions may be according to different views/schemes. for example: logical/structural, functional …
aspect Element
Unit of system decomposition. May associate with a variety of perspectives: logical, functional …
aspect requirement fmea:mode fmea:effect fmea:cause fmea:control fmea:detection fmea:action-control fmea:action-detection test definition realisation function event state transition usecase interface trace group fmea:mode fmea:cause aspect
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
related: [identifier] Indicates a related element.
parent: [identifier] Hierarchical parent of the given element.
color: [string] Color associated with element.
child: [identifier] Hierarchical child of the given element.
requirement Element
Requirement (or acceptance criteria) definition. Describes an expected behaviour at the associated level of abstraction.
fmea:control fmea:mode fmea:cause fmea:effect aspect test definition realisation function usecase interface
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
related: [identifier] Indicates a related element.
parent: [identifier] Hierarchical parent of the given element.
color: [string] Color associated with element.
child: [identifier] Hierarchical child of the given element.
usecase Element
Definition of a usecase within a particular abstraction of a the system.
requirement aspect definition function
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
actor: [string] Indicates the name of an actor affiliated with the given element.
interface Element
Definition of an interface exposing behaviour externally from the given abstraction.
requirement interface aspect trace definition realisation function interface
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
parent: [identifier] Hierarchical parent of the given element.
group Element
Syntactic group of model elements. Used only to structure model representation and facilitate filtering; has no semantic implications for the model itself. May parent (contain) any other element type.
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) elements are used to describe risks present in a system, and the controls and actions mitigating them.
fmea:mode Element
Failure Mode. Describes the way in which a failure may occur, from the perspective of a requirement.
requirement aspect fmea:effect fmea:control fmea:detection test fmea:action-control fmea:action-detection fmea:cause aspect trace
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
parent: [identifier] Hierarchical parent of the given element.
detectability_post: [number] Numerical rating on the interval [1(best)..10(worst)] indicating quality of a failure detection AFTER realisation of an improvement action.
detectability: [number] Numerical rating on the interval [1(best)..10(worst)] indicating quality of a failure detection.
child: [identifier] Hierarchical child of the given element.
fmea:effect Element
Failure Effect defintion. Describes the consequence of a failure mode.
requirement fmea:mode aspect trace
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
parent: [identifier] Hierarchical parent of the given element.
severity: [number] Numerical rating on the interval [1(least)..10(most)] indicating the severity of a failure effect.
fmea:cause Element
Failure Cause. An underlying technical mechanism, scenario or sequence of events that may result in a failure mode.
requirement aspect fmea:mode fmea:control fmea:detection test fmea:action-control fmea:action-detection event aspect trace
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
occurrence: [number] Numerical rating on the interval [1(infrequent)..10(always)] indicating the probability of a failure cause occurring.
occurrence_post: [number] Numerical rating on the interval [1(infrequent)..10(always)] indicating the probability of a failure cause occurring AFTER realisation of an improvement action.
child: [identifier] Hierarchical child of the given element.
fmea:control Element
Existing controls which are present to prevent a failure cause either from occurring or leading to its associated failure mode.
fmea:mode fmea:cause aspect trace requirement
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
fmea:detection Element
Existing detections (tests) which are present to measure (before release) the occurence of a failure mode.
fmea:mode fmea:cause aspect test
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
fmea:action-control Element
Necessary steps that remain to be taken in order to prevent the occurance of a failure cause or mode.
fmea:mode fmea:cause aspect
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
fmea:action-detection Element
Necessary steps that remain to be taken in order to increase the detectability of a failure mode.
fmea:mode fmea:cause aspect
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
Testing elements describe the implementation and coverage of tests (including dynamic traces).
test Element
Instance of a test for a particular part of a design.
requirement definition realisation fmea:detection fmea:mode fmea:cause aspect
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
trace Element
A dyanmic occurance of element instance (for example, an event or failure cause). Intended to be embedded within log files. Can be used to build and validate dynamic behaviour against the statically defined behaviour model.
fmea:cause fmea:mode fmea:effect fmea:control function transition event state interface aspect
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
Design elements elaborate on the prescription and description of design decisions and their technical concepts.
definition Element
Prescriptive definition of a particular aspect of design.
requirement function state usecase interface aspect test realisation
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
realisation Element
Final realisation of a particular aspect of prescriptive design.
requirement definition function state interface aspect test
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
Dynamic elements describe and structure dynamic system behaviours, such as functions and events.
function Element
Definition of a function.
event function usecase interface requirement aspect trace definition realisation function
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
output: [string] Output produced by the given element.
precondition: [string] Precondition for correct behaviour of the given element.
child: [identifier] Hierarchical child of the given element.
parent: [identifier] Hierarchical parent of the given element.
invariant: [string] Conditions unaffected by the behaviour of the given element.
input: [string] Input consumed by the given element.
postcondition: [string] Condition resulting from the given element’s behaviour.
event Element
Definition of a dynamic event. May be a step within a broader function or cause a transition between states. Events may be composed as trees, with an event also entailing all of its children. Decisions can be expressed with the condition property; unmet conditions entail the alternative (property) children instead of default children.
fmea:cause aspect trace function transition
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
alternative: [identifier] Specifies an alternative for an unmet condition.
output: [string] Output produced by the given element.
return_control: [*] Presence indicates immediate return of control flow
precondition: [string] Precondition for correct behaviour of the given element.
child: [identifier] Hierarchical child of the given element.
invariant: [string] Conditions unaffected by the behaviour of the given element.
parent: [identifier] Hierarchical parent of the given element.
control_only: [*] Presence indicates control flow only
condition: [string] Element is conditional on the specified binary decision.
postcondition: [string] Condition resulting from the given element’s behaviour.
State elements capture the stateful behaviour of the system by offering a stateful view of dynamic elements.
state Element
Definition of a state.
aspect trace definition realisation transition
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
parent: [identifier] Hierarchical parent of the given element.
color: [string] Color associated with element.
child: [identifier] Hierarchical child of the given element.
transition Element
Definition of a transition between states. Takes an ordered pair of states (from,to).
state event aspect trace
description: [string] Descriptive body of text for the given element.
remark: [string] General remark or more extensive information.
tag: [string] Comma separated list of tags which indicate some property of the given element.
usage: sbdl [-h] [-m operating_mode] [-o output_file] [--version] [-W {normal,all}] [--hidden] [-i] [-s] [-r] [--skip-errors] [--title TITLE] [-v]
[--manual] [--dump-config config_file] [--load-config config_file] [--list-config] [--set-config config_option config_value] [-D name value]
[--trace [trace_files ...]] [--template template_file] [-fc element_identifier] [-fl element_identifier] [-fch element_identifier]
[-fpa element_identifier] [-fd filter_depth] [-ft element_type] [-fi element_identifier] [-fpr property_name property_value]
[-fg group_identifier] [--custom-directive [compiler_definitions ...]] [--custom-mode [mode_definitions ...]] [--rpc RPC]
[source_files ...]
SBDL Version 1.11.0 (DSL Version 25.2). System Behaviour Description Language (SBDL) compiler.
WWW: Author:
Base Arguments:
source_files List of files to compile ["-" implies stdin]
Optional Arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m operating_mode, --mode operating_mode
Specify the mode of operation
-o output_file, --output output_file
Specify the name of the output file
--version Print the current version
-W {normal,all}, -w {normal,all}, --warning {normal,all}
Set warning level
--hidden Include hidden files when recursing
-i, --id Include element identifiers in applicable output formats
-s, --source Include source reference in applicable output formats
-r, --recurse Recurse on directories specified in the input list
--skip-errors Do not stop for errors (emit warning instead)
--title TITLE Provide a default title for certain output formats
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output during execution
--manual Show extensive SBDL manual page
--dump-config config_file, --dumpconfig config_file
Dump the internal configuration to a named JSON file
--load-config config_file, --loadconfig config_file
Load the internal configuration from a named JSON file
--list-config, --listconfig
List internal configuration options
--set-config config_option config_value, --setconfig config_option config_value
Set a named configuration option
-D name value, --define name value
Specify a named global definition
--trace [trace_files ...]
Provide a trace file to be processed
--template template_file
Specify a template file for the 'template-fill' mode
-fc element_identifier, --filter-connected element_identifier
Filter everything but those elements with a direct or indirect connection to the specified element identifier (regex) [INCLUDES:
-fl element_identifier, --filter-linked element_identifier
Filter everything but those elements with a direct or indirect connection to the specified element identifier (regex) [EXCLUDES:
-fch element_identifier, --filter-children element_identifier
Filter everything but those elements which are children of the specified element identifier (regex)
-fpa element_identifier, --filter-parents element_identifier
Filter everything but those elements which are parental ancestors of the specified element identifier (regex)
-fd filter_depth, --filter-depth filter_depth
Maximum depth for filters which pursue links (natural number)
-ft element_type, --filter-type element_type
Filter everything but those elements which are of the specified element type (regex)
-fi element_identifier, --filter-identifier element_identifier
Filter everything but those elements whose identifiers match the specified string (regex)
-fpr property_name property_value, --filter-property property_name property_value
Filter everything but those elements possessing a named property matching the specified string (regex)
-fg group_identifier, --filter-group group_identifier
Shortcut filter for everything but those elements which are children of the specified group identifier (regex) -- excludes the
group element itself
--custom-directive [compiler_definitions ...]
Specify a file path defining custom compiler directives
--custom-mode [mode_definitions ...], --custom_mode [mode_definitions ...]
Specify a file path containing custom compiler modes
--rpc RPC Remote Procedure Call to be used by RPC-based modes
e.g. "sbdl <file 1> <file 2> <file n>"
Operating Modes
compile: Parse all specified input files, gather SBDL elements, perform semantic checks, apply filters, write SBDL-formatted output
query: Compile inputs, then pretty print the results (after filtering)
csv-matrix: Compile inputs, then write a CSV-formatted representation of the SBDL elements to the output
json-tree: Compile inputs, then write a JSON-formatted representation of the SBDL elements to the output
yaml-tree: Compile inputs, then write a YAML-formatted representation of the SBDL elements to the output
from:csv-matrix: Read SBDL-schema CSV-matrix inputs and write SBDL-formatted output
from:json-tree: Read SBDL-schema JSON-tree inputs and write SBDL-formatted output
from:yaml-tree: Read SBDL-schema YAML-tree inputs and write SBDL-formatted output
openfmea: Compile inputs, then write the FMEA-related content to an OpenFMEA-formatted ouput
openfmea-portfolio: Compile inputs, then write the FMEA-related content to an OpenFMEA Portfolio-formatted ouput, organised by aspect hierarchy
from:openfmea: Read OpenFMEA-formatted input and write SBDL-formatted output
fmeacsv: Compile inputs, then write the FMEA-related content to a CSV-formatted ouput
network-diagram: Compile inputs, then write a PNG-formatted output, visually representing the network of SBDL elements
requirement-diagram: Compile inputs, then write a SysML-style requirements diagram to rendering-backend-formatted output
aspect-diagram: Compile inputs, then write a SysML-style block diagram to rendering-backend-formatted output (simplified, aspects only)
element-diagram: Compile inputs, then write a SysML-style block diagram to rendering-backend-formatted output (detailed, with properties and relations)
function-diagram: Compile inputs, then write a SysML-style sequence diagram to rendering-backend-formatted output
state-diagram: Compile inputs, then write a SysML-style state diagram to rendering-backend-formatted output
usecase-diagram: Compile inputs, then write a SysML-style use-case diagram to rendering-backend-formatted output
template-fill: Compile inputs, then provide an object, 'sbdl', in a Jinja parsing environment and apply it to the specified template file
rpc: Compile inputs, then transmit to the RPC server for processing by the specified RPC (see --rpc)
The full list of the SBDL compiler’s modes of operation can be found in the Command-Line Interface section; this section will demonstrate some examples of how to use these modes.
The core mode of the compiler is to compile its input arguments. This consists of the following steps:
This can be achieved with the following command-line:
sbdl -m compile -r input-file input-dir -o output.sbdl
The above command is useful as a basis for general executions of the SBDL compiler. In the example command there are the following arguments:
sbdl: Command to invoke the compiler.
-m: Switch to specify a mode.
compile: Name of the desired mode.
-R: Recurse on directories when identifying input files.
input-(file|directory): Name one or more input files or directories.
-o: Switch to specify and output file.
output.sbdl: Name of a output file.
Because compile is the default mode of the SBDL compiler, and STDOUT is the default output, the command above can be simplified to the following:
sbdl -r input-file input-dir
(compiled SBDL will then be written to STDOUT)
Importantly, the compiled output can then be used as an input for further SBDL compiler modes, to simplify further invocations and also avoid repeating the aggregation process.
Most invocations of the SBDL compiler follow the same form. The compile inputs example demonstrated this form; this section shows a variation of that form for generating an aspect diagram.
sbdl -m aspect-diagram output.sbdl -o aspect-diagram-output.png
The mode switch has been changed to specify ‘aspect-diagram’ and the output file has been adjusted to the desired PNG target. ‘output.sbdl’ is used (from the previous compile command) as input.
Some SBDL compiler invocations require additional parameters, for example the templated output:
sbdl -m template-fill output.sbdl -o output.html --template template.html
In this case, the ‘–template’ switch is used to specify to which template the parsed SBDL should be applied.
For a concrete exploration of using SBDL models in document templates, see the worked example.
Available compiler directives:
(Format: Name: [arg1,arg2,… -> return] Description)
The SBDL compiler and tools are provided under a modified BSD-3-Clause-based license.
Q: What is that bug-looking
That’s a generative-AI interpretation of a ‘speedy-beetle’, or ‘speedle’ (SBDL).
Q: Who is the creator/maintainer of SBDL?
SBDL is created and maintained by Michael Hicks.
Q: How can I use the SBDL compiler as a Python library to interact with the SBDL language directly?
A fuller SBDL Compiler API will follow the first stable release.
For now, have a look at this code example of using the SBDL compiler API to read a set of SBDL files and interact with the parsed and verified elements.
(HINT: make use of Python’s introspection facilities to see what can be done with element objects)
Q: I’m having problems with certain diagrams rendering improperly with the PlantUML backend. How can I fix them?
First try installing a tested version of PlantUML.
If the problems persist, report an issue (below).
Issues can be raised by sending an email to Upon receipt, a trackable issue is automatically created, and a confirmation reference is returned to the sender.